Cannon gun safe lock problems
Cannon gun safe lock problems

cannon gun safe lock problems

So according to you Fort Knox isn't a responsible safe dealer huh? Please don't try all this yourself I just outlined the process to show you what you were getting into- Just pm me and tell me the biggest city in LA that your close to

cannon gun safe lock problems cannon gun safe lock problems

#Cannon gun safe lock problems driver#

Rev- Don't attempt any fix-it yourself with this- I was a master lock&safe smith for fifty years-If you pm me with your location in la I will reccomend a good safe man for you- this needs to happen soon before you get a lock-out (and it will happen) the dial ring is held on by 2 screws to the door and their covered by the dial- to get to them you must remove the back door pan, remove the wheel-pack box cover (which may or may not control a relocker bolt) then pull the spline key from the dial spindle (taking notice notice of which of four settings)-lh,rh,vu or vd- those markings are stamped on the driver wheel that the dial spindle is keyed to-care must be used when removing the spline key as it should be made of soft brass and is delicate- then the dial may be unscrewed from the driver wheel and removed from the door, exposing the dial-ring screws- If you where provided with the change key with the safe DON'T TRY TO USE IT ( setting combinations is not quite a sience, but there are a lot of do and dont's to it - most responceible safe dealers will not sell a safe with the change key in it as it usually ends up costing the owner alot of money.

Cannon gun safe lock problems